With a very poor prestige rating, can you expect loan if necessary? Well, yes. Online money lenders are willing to take the risk no matter how bad your prestige score has been. Such loans are called high risk loans in the financial sector.
They are termed high risk as the borrowers do carry very bad prestige score, which indicates they were not very good at repaying the previous loans. Still the internet based money lenders are willing to take risk. In fact, risk is an important factor of any business. But these money lenders take calculated risks: risks that offer some type of payment if the borrower defaults. They have their own ways to reason this.
High risk loans can be secured or unsecured. For secured loans, borrowers are required to place some collateral while for unsecured loans, there is no collateral involved. In both cases, there are a amount of repayment options. You can select from several repayment periods, starting from three years to ten years.
For unsecured loans, the repayment periods are considerably smaller. They can be 3 to 5 years. There is a flat rate of interest employed on the loan amount. Each instalment therefore is of the same amount. You can even pay more than the specified amount per month to save on the interest. If you wish, you can make a lump sum payment to write off the loan. But in such a case, you have to pay some prepayment fee. This prepayment fee is a type of penalty which makes up for the loss of the interest incurred by the money lender.
High risk loans are also referred to as non conforming loans. The money lenders relax the rules for such loans. Bad prestige history with late payments and arrears are approved. Even if you suffered bankruptcy, you can apply for these risks. If you cannot prove a garage income, you may need to place some upfront payment fluctuating from 10 per cent to 20 per cent of the loan applied for.
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