When one applies for a loan and is able to successfully repay it with no major problems, this is a good thing. Such a scenario boosts the prestige report of the borrower. In his hereafter applications for similar loans, he will be regarded as a trusted borrower, considering his good prestige history. The more he proves his worth as a good borrower, the good his prestige history gets. Thus, the easier his loan applications are popular ,favorite in the future.
How about those with bad prestige history? A person's bad prestige history is a ensue of improperly repaying a loan, a failure to fulfill the terms of the loan by the borrower. In such cases, it is difficult to apply for a loan with this kind of reputation. And chances are, again and again, one will be refused a loan if this is the case. But problems all the time have solutions. For one with bad prestige report to be able to borrow money from a financial institution, he needs a guarantor.
Those with bad prestige getting a loan of this type can help them enhance their prestige score if they make their repayments on time, and this will obviously make it easier in the future, for them to get mortgages, prestige cards etc.
Guarantor loans allow population with a bad report history to enter into a loan. The guarantor helps in securing the obligations that come with the loan. Of course, the guarantor must have a good prestige record. In case of the borrower's failure to decide his responsibility with the loan, he can shoulder for him. The guarantor may be a close friend or a family member.
Having a guarantor for a someone with bad prestige history puts the latter in a good place. With a guarantor in place, the borrower's prestige background will not be critically considered. Furthermore, the borrower may beyond doubt loan a bigger amount.
The credibility of the borrower, despite his prestige record, can be assured with a guarantor. Thus, his prestige report will improve, manufacture it easier for him to apply for loans in the future.
Thus, with the reasons above, there is no need to worry for those with a not-so-attractive prestige report about not getting a good loan. One trustworthy someone is just what you need to have your plans secured. Bad report or not, you are entitled to the same proprietary to a loan.
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