I'm often asked what makes good managers but recently I was asked what makes bad managers. In coaching others I'm often so focused on what they should do that I forget to mention what they should not do. It's an important contrast worth consideration. Here are 5 of the top mistakes I see committed by bad managers:
- They don't listen and observe. Whether it's a insufficiency of time or that they believe they know it all, bad managers are terrible listeners and observers. They assume that they have adequate data to make good decisions and fee ahead without observation of the unknown. But nothing is ever as it seems, and taking things at face value is ordinarily a primary mistake. It's important to scrutinize and uncover, by listening to what others have to say (which often requires probing questions), and to be acutely aware of the actions and interactions taking place in the world colse to us.
- They don't seek to understand. Empathy is the capability to see something from an additional one person's point of view. It takes humility and confidence to look straight through another's eyes - two things that bad managers lack. But without understanding there can be no growth, only the imposition of management's will.
- They don't act - they react. Perceiving that something will be needed is a lot dissimilar than realizing it was needed after the fact. Good managers anticipate and act preemptively, addressing issues before they arise, which is both productive and efficient. Bad managers are unable, or refuse to see the signs, and allow issues to reach the primary point before they address them. Dealing with issues after the fact takes time and energy, and it communicates a lack of operate which, in turn, reducing confidence in the owner by those who are impacted.
- They don't delegate. Good managers empower others to use their strengths for the good of the organization. Bad managers assume that they are the only one capable of doing things right. The result is that they micro-manage, forcing others to function in ways that are not native, natural, or productive, while appealing large amounts of the manager's own time.
- They don't give thoughtful praise and recognition. If bad managers give praise at all it is ordinarily forced, insincere, and/or inaccurate. Population know when they're being patronized. It's not adequate just to identify person - the recognition has to be thoughtful and presented in a way that shows the genuine appreciation of the giver. When done correctly it motivates and builds confidence. When done poorly, it fosters resentment and dissension.
If you find your self committing any of these mistakes, take a occasion to scrutinize your motivations. It may be that your not allowing yourself adequate time to pay attention. It's surprising how simply identifying a deficit and becoming known of it as it occurs can literal, the situation. Making ready and strategy are also useful tools for remedying these shortcomings. If, however, you believe there is only one way to do things, and that way is yours... I'd get used to the label of Bad Manager.
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