Oh yeah. We've all been there. It's Christmas time; money's tight; you need a great gift for that extra someone. That's when they sneak up on you...the division store reputation card goons. They're so sweet. As you're checking out and you're standing there thinking, "Oh great. It's How much?" That's when they ever so sweetly say, "Would you like 15% off of your buy today? All you have to do is open an catalogue with us!" Smile. Smile. Smile. So how can you resist? You go for it. But is this good? What are the consequences going to be down the road? This narrative will set you right on The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Ugly side of division store reputation cards.
The Good
- Okay, say you are in a financial pinch and you honestly do need to get the item you are buying. Recovery an extra 10% to 20% can be great and it's okay to take benefit of this If you make sure you pay it off as soon as possible. Don't let the payment sit on the reputation card because it will be racking up a hefty interest rate.
- If you integrate the reputation card with a killer sale, you can make out like a bandit - just pay it off quickly.
- If you have bad credit, you can often get a division store reputation card when you can't get any others. This can work to your benefit and you can use the card to rebuild your reputation if you will only payment small amounts, pay it off each month, or pay it off early.
The Bad
- Temptation - Once you have that reputation card in your possession, it's just sitting there telling you, "It's okay. Go ahead and buy it. You can afford it!" Don't listen. Just because you have the card doesn't mean you can buy anyone you feel like. Exert willpower or the temptation will get the best of you.
The Downright Ugly
- High Interest Rates - division store reputation cards have the top interest rates around. So unless you pay of the payment before the end of the billing cycle, anyone you saved when you signed up, just got eaten up. The items that you put on one of these cards will cost you a whole lot more in the long run.
- They reproduce like rabbits - before you know it, you've standard a whole boatload of these "helpful" minuscule reputation cards. Now the interest is piling up so high, you can't shovel your way out.
Do you see what I mean about division store reputation cards? They can have their good points, but you also have to be wary of their "ugly" side too. Now that you know this, you can use these cards to your benefit instead of them taking benefit of you.
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