วันศุกร์ที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Good Carbohydrates and Bad Carbohydrates

Some population increase their risk for heart attacks, cancers and other diseases by markedly restricting all carbohydrates because they think that all carbohydrates are harmful. Restricting good carbohydrates deprives a person of requisite nutrients which increases their susceptibility to disease.

Bad carbohydrates are ones that cause an immediate high rise in blood sugar levels. Good carbohydrates do not do this. A modern description explains the inequity (Current Atherosclerosis Reports, November 2005). Good carbohydrates are the ones found in nature and regularly do not cause a high rise in blood sugar levels. Bad carbohydrates are regularly created by refining grains or other plants into "pure" starches or sugars (i.e., flour, white rice, cornmeal, table sugar and all other extracted sugars.) These refined carbohydrates pass immediately from the stomach into the intestines and cause a high rise in blood sugar.


Whole grains have a thick fiber coating that releases starches and sugars very moderately so blood sugar levels do not rise too high. However, grinding a whole grain to form flour destroys the seed coat and allows the blood sugar rapidly to enter the intestines where it is absorbed roughly immediately to cause a high rise in blood sugar.

When you eat an orange, the solid particles go into your stomach, where the pyloric sphincter closes and prevents all solid particles from entering the intestines until they are broken down into a soup that is then allowed to pass. However, liquid orange juice passes directly into the intestine where it is absorbed immediately.

If you are trying to lose weight or are diabetic, it is perfectly remedial to eat a wide range of the good carbohydrates: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, seeds and nuts. The carbohydrates to avoid are foods made with flour, milled corn or white rice; fruit juices, sugared soft drinks or other beverages with sugar; and processed foods that consist of added sugars.

Good Carbohydrates and Bad Carbohydrates

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