วันพุธที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Get Rid of Bad Vaginal Odors

If you have bad vaginal odors, then you will be relieved to know that this is a straightforward condition to treat using home remedies. By far the most tasteless cause of this is bacterial vaginosis. This condition is caused by an imbalance of the natural ph levels within the vagina which in turn causes an overgrowth in bacteria.

If you have symptoms which consist of itching, burning and a gray or white thin vaginal removal and the accompanying bad vaginal odors, then you can be pretty sure you have bacterial vaginosis. Some women will also taste mild urinary tract infection-like symptoms too.


Within the vagina, there are two types of bacteria-good and bad. Under normal circumstances, the "good" bacteria (known as Lactobacillus) and the "bad" bacteria (Gardnerella) co-exist without problems, with the good bacteria holding operate of the bad by creating the optimum ph levels. When something happens to upset the natural balance, the bad bacteria grows out of operate and causes the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

The causes of bacterial vaginosis can be various and there is a misapprehension that it is caused by being "unclean" or even by promiscuity. Very often there is no unavoidable cause, but some known possible triggers consist of over-washing, a turn of detergent used to wash underwear, the use of perfumed products around the vaginal area, douching and a turn in sexual partner.

Antibiotics are often prescribed by doctors and although these will kill off the bad bacteria and therefore stop the symptoms, more often than not this is just a temporary fix. Antibiotics will kill off both good and bad bacteria which means that as soon as the antibiotics stop working and bacteria simply begins to repopulate the vagina, the bad bacteria can immediately take hold as the newly introduced good bacteria will not be of enough compel or quantity to operate the harmful bacteria.

This is why over 70% of women who take antibiotics to get rid of bad vaginal odors will have a recurrence within a few short weeks

By far the best and most trustworthy way to get rid of bacterial vaginosis is to use natural home treatments to progress and heighten the body's own defenses and build up the levels of useful bacteria to a level where bad bacteria simply cannot take hold even if one of the possible causes is present.

There are a few straightforward self-help steps you can take right away which will get things tantalizing in the right direction, such as taking a bath into which a consolidate of cups of cider vinegar have been added or using tea tree oil pessaries. Many women have been helped by soaking a tampon in live yogurt which contains useful bacteria and inserting this directly into the vagina and leaving in place for a consolidate of hours.

How to Get Rid of Bad Vaginal Odors

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