Trying to kick a bad habit but find yourself ending up right back where you started? either it's a bodily or a thinking habit you can consequent these 5 steps used by my daughter Alexandria when she was 6 years old to quit her finger-sucking habit.
Step #1 - Set your intentions
Alexandria wanted to stop sucking her finger and she made a firm decision that she was going to quit. She knew what she wanted and set her intentions to perform her goal.
Mentally setting your intentions with a firm decision is the first step before bodily achievement. It is the decision-making process that moves the universal power in action on your profit to bring all you need to perform your goal.
Step #2 - Have a strong sufficient 'Why'
Alexandria wanted to quit her finger-sucking habit because she did not want to disfigure her teeth. When we told here that her finger was preventing her teeth from growing properly, she made her decision to stop sucking it.
When your 'why', your theorize for wanting to perform any goal, to quit any habit becomes stronger than the will to keep the habit, you will break straight through any barriers no matter how long it takes or how many attempts you need to make in order to succeed. Your 'why' must be stronger than your habitual thinking or bodily addiction.
Step #3 - Reprogram the subconscious with repetition and persistence
The first few days after Alexandria announced her decision to quit her habit, she found her finger back in her mouth each time she awoke from sleep. But that did not stop her. She kept trying and she was persistent in spite of her internal subconscious programming.
She was rewriting her internal programming with the pen of persistent repetition. Each time she found her finger in her mouth she pulled it out and kept on trying.
Every thing we've ever mastered, either good or bad, came as a consequent of persistent repetition. No matter what obstacles we faced initially, we broke straight through each one until we mastered the new habit. Remember the subconscious mind does not discriminate between a good habit and a bad habit. That's your job; the job of your known decision to keep doing a thing sends the message to the subconscious internal programming that sets the habit in place.
Step #4 - Ask for help from man who's been there
She recognized that she needed help to overcome the habit so she stated what the qoute was, "Mom, every time I try to stop, I wake up in the night and find my finger in my mouth." Knowing that I had the same habit as a child she was exciting to know what I did to stop.
So I told her that I used to put my hand under my tummy to forestall me from sucking it and I told her that each time I found my finger in my mouth I would immediately take it out and kept practicing that over and over again. Armed with this information, Alexandria decided to try it. She kept practicing until ultimately she did it.
Sometimes we need to ask for help from man who's been there and have come out successfully if we're struggling on our own. They may have ideas from their own experience that will save a lot of time and stress.
Step #5 - turn your strategy
When Alexandria realized that her formula was not working, she was willing to turn her strategy and apply the new way to perform her goal.
If something's not working, there's no point to keep going on, on that path. turn your strategy. Adapt something new that has worked for man else and apply it to your own life.
At the time Alexandria decided to quit her finger-sucking habit, her baby teeth came out and her adult teeth were getting ready to come in. Now she has gorgeous straight teeth to go with her gorgeous smile. She feels quite done that she ultimately achieved her goal - gorgeous teeth.
What habit are you struggling with? Are they thinking - struggling with negative thinking, low self-esteem? Are they bodily - nail-biting, smoking, overeating? These methods work across board in all areas of your life. Try them and empower yourself from within. Thanks to Alexandria who's now over 7 years old.
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