วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Bad Bosses - Reflection of Bad Management, Bad Leaders and Bad for enterprise Profits

No ifs, ands, buts about it, bad bosses are a reflection of bad management. These individuals are bad leaders and bad for firm profits. The behaviors of inept managers cascade down the society and continually negatively influence the bottom line.

A modern narrative by Florida State University revealed the impact of bad bosses. A search for of more than 700 employees at distinct job levels and situated in various industries suggested that:


  • 39% of bad bosses failed to keep their word
  • 27% of bad bosses insulted those they supervise behind their backs
  • 23% of bad bosses blamed their mistakes on others
  • 31% of bad bosses used the silent medicine to show their displeasure

By looking at each of these findings, the firm management of any society can begin to see specifically the drain on the bottom line when leadership ethics are not internalized by All employees.

Failure to keep your word is a values or ethics issue that affects performance. When employees receive promises or verbal contracts from their bosses and then these contracts are broken, morale suffers and so does the outcomes from the employees. No training is going to heighten motivation when the employees know that nothing is going to convert when the bad bosses are still in charge.

Insulting fellow employees again is a values or ethics issue. Gossiping about employees to other employees again builds a culture of distrust not of high performance. This type of behavior also affects total productivity and potentially create a very fearful political culture where what looks good take precedence what indubitably works.

Not accepting responsibility for mistakes is a personal responsibility issue and must start with management. Blaming employees for management's failure again creates a negative work environment. This is still an issue of values.

Silent medicine as punishment used by bad bosses to tell their displeasures tells more about personel values and beliefs than that of the alleged execution of employees. With transportation being one of the many obstacles to a high execution culture, the silent medicine creates just the opposite effect.

When management allows bad bosses to be bad leaders (meaning not leading by distinct example), then bad profits will be the only result. To reverse this trend of bad bosses requires revisiting the strategic plan. Next, all management must embrace personal responsibility straight through the corporate values' statement. Finally, these values become the guide for daily actions between bosses and their employees.

Bad Bosses - Reflection of Bad Management, Bad Leaders and Bad for enterprise Profits

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